

I don’t take a lot of pictures nor do I have a lot of worthwhile memories. Writing about my year is hard, mind is blank, and I have already written about the significant parts of my life already. One thing that stands out for me this year is friendship, the beauty of friendship. Over a significant part of my life, I have known people, we have bonded to an extent, but it all fades with time. I tried to step out of my comfort zone this year, man. I wanted to try new things but I shortly deeped I did not have anyone I could do them with. I have people but FaceTime does not cut it on most days. It gets pretty annoying when you want to make plans but people have other plans with their friends, you know? What do you mean you cannot hang with me tonight? Haha. I have lived in one city my whole life, I am an introvert, and talking to people for a long time irritates me, which other way could my life have gone though? Friendship is not foreign to me btw, I have friends around and I love them so much but their interests do not align with mine on most days. Who would’ve thought finding your own space will be so f–ing hard? I love music though. I liked the little DJ sessions until it became whatever it is now. I want someone I can hit up knowing they will put everything aside to hang with me and talk about the most mundane things, as friends. Delusional, I know. I grew up a lot during the second half of 2023. I understand people cannot always be available for you and that is okay and it does not mean they now love you less, they probably love you less than you love them though (or do not love you at all), and that is alright, who cares? I met some great people in 2023 through a good friend of mine. The most basic things like playing cards (I learnt how to play UNO this year!), and giving out cake to kids on the Oxford Street are memories I will never forget. Pure friendship, without the extra drama, is so healing. I want more of that. I hope 2024 has more of that. I want a new life. I want to start all over. Maybe I’d be a bit more outgoing and open. Less of a listener, more of a talker. I want to value conversations more.

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